Weight Cuts in Muay Thai | MMA: A Fighter's Guide to Water Loading

Muay Thai fighters often use water loading as a weight-cutting technique. This method involves consuming large volumes of water before sharply decreasing intake prior to weigh-ins. This tricks the body in thinking excess water will continue to be consumed thus expels large amounts of water on the day of the weigh in. The goal is to shed water weight quickly and temporarily, enabling fighters to lose up to 5%–10% of body weight. The precise amount of weight loss varies based on factors such as body composition, and the duration and intensity of the water loading and cutting process.

Mechanism of Water Loading:

Your body strives for internal stability. By increasing water intake suddenly, your body boosts urination. When you cut back on water, your body takes time to adjust, resulting in temporary weight loss from water.

WATER LOADING - Five-Day Protocol:

  • Day 1: Drink 2 gallons of water.
  • Day 2: Reduce to 1 gallon.
  • Day 3: Continue with 1 gallon.
  • Day 4: Lower to 64 ounces.
  • Day 5: Only 32 ounces.
  • Weigh-in Day: Avoid water until after the weigh-in.

Nutritional Adjustments:

  • Keep carbohydrate intake below 50 grams daily to avoid water retention.
  • Avoid fruits, sugars, and starches.
  • Prioritize high-protein, high-fat meals.
  • Cut out salt to enhance water excretion.

Pro Tip: if you have access to a sauna try using it often to increase sweating.

On the day of weigh in to decrease your weight loss by expelling more water, you can increase sweating in the sauna by using a Top King Boxing Sauna Suit.

POST WEIGH IN - Rehydration Strategies 

Immediate Rehydration:

  • After weigh-ins, begin rehydration by consuming 20-30 ounces of water with electrolytes within the first hour, sipping 8 ounces every 15 minutes.
  • Avoid overhydrating in the first 4-6 hours to prevent digestive discomfort. Gradually sip 6-8 ounces every 15-20 minutes, ensuring comfort and avoiding overhydration.
  • Add a pinch of salt to your water.

Electrolyte Restoration: Focus on replenishing electrolytes, mainly sodium and chloride, using sports drinks, oral rehydration solutions, coconut water or salty snacks.

Post-Weigh-In Nutrition Balance

Within 2-4 hours, provide a balanced meal with carbohydrates, proteins, and fats:

  • Include carbs like brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, whole-grain pasta, and oats. Carbs will help with hydration. 
  • Athletes not adapted to ketogenic diets should consume 5–10 g/kg/day of carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores and aid recovery.
  • Consider carbohydrate type, timing, and amount for effective absorption and comfort.
  • Select liquid or solid carbohydrates based on gastric emptying rates and recovery time.

Proteins and Fats: Choose protein sources like lean meats, eggs, tofu, legumes, and Greek yogurt. Add healthy fats from avocado, nuts, olive oil, and fatty fish.

Meal Timing: Space out meals and fluids for gradual absorption, aiming for small, balanced meals every 2-3 hours. Avoid heavy, greasy, or high-fiber foods that are hard to digest quickly. Listen to your body and be attentive to hunger and thirst signals and respond accordingly.

Simple Meal Ideas:

  • Baked salmon with sweet potatoes and a mixed greens salad.
  • Grilled chicken with quinoa and steamed broccoli.
  • Scrambled eggs with spinach, whole-grain toast, and sliced avocado.
  • Tofu stir-fry with mixed vegetables and ginger-soy sauce over rice.


Water loading can be an effective weight-cutting strategy for Muay Thai fighters, but it requires careful management and professional guidance to ensure safety. Rehydration after weigh-ins is as important as the loading phase itself. Always prioritize health and safety over short-term performance gains.

Warning: Dehydration can impair cognitive functions essential for decision-making and focus.

Important Notice: This guide serves educational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider before making changes to your weight management or diet.

Top King Boxing USA supporting fighters reach their fighting goals.

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